Full Body Oxygenation: Using Both halves of the breath cycle dynamics creates
Propulsion and a continual cycle of energy production.
International Level Physical and Artistic Performance.
(Assuming technical ability, these dynamics are the major factor separating the elite from the average performance.)
(Currently being used to gain access to International Level Tae Kwon Do.)
The Dynamics of the oxygenation process, and in- breath training, are the most overlooked aspect of training.
Yet are one of the foundations of all elite performance. Typically the dynamics are accessed by continually training into exhaustion, and letting the natural survival dynamics take over. However the process can be learned.
Visualization and oneness/being in the zone techniques are also core to advanced performance.
Master Level: Intertwined Performance/Life Coaching via Video and Website Content.
Unique: intertwining power/control/ beauty for simultaneous development.
Mastery Characteristics Introduction to Oneness What is Oneness What are the Life /Performance Coaching Packages
What you will learn:
* Full Body Oxygenation:
- Oxygenated core.
- Oxygenated movement and energy production.
* Nuances of complete body dynamics/bio-dynamics, energy potential, and creativity.
* The dynamics and metaphysics of "Propulsion" (Force =Mass x Acceleration).
* Connected movement.
* Obtaining the metaphysical aspects of:
- Oneness and Being in the Zone.
photo from "back in the day" - Perception, Intuition, Timing.
* "Closure" on performance disabling effects of competitive jealousy, intimidation,
bullying, stress, etc.
Suitable for "Do it yourself" advanced Performance and Life Coaching:
* Athletics,
* Visual/Performing arts,
* Personal, Social, and Business empowerment.
By definition: Master Level Coaching is unfamiliar, not easily accessed, and usually combines both the physical and metaphysical aspects of human performance. This type of information is now available via video presentations for a personal, life coaching experience that integrates all aspects of life for a complete and successful approach. Past mentoring experience has proven the requirement for a complete holistic approach because the results are holistic in nature. The metaphysical aspects, and also the personal trauma areas of life are mandatory for a complete, unified coaching experience.
(Personal mentoring has indicated the need for "re-framing" the "adversities" of life as one of the most important life navigation tools.)
Unique to the video packages are:
* extremely detailed nuances in master level bio-dynamics, including "propulsion" (F=MA).
* developing and applying oneness, being in the zone.
* empowerment over intimidation, bullying, competitive jealousy.
* master level physical performance,
* life navigation,
* social interaction,
* business interplay,
* creativity.
Maximum performance is achieved quickly and efficiently by simultaneously developing all aspects of performance. Often, the missing link for overcoming a technical plateau.
* Full Body Oxygenation:
- Oxygenated core.
- Oxygenated movement and energy production.
* Nuances of complete body dynamics/bio-dynamics, energy potential, and creativity.
* The dynamics and metaphysics of "Propulsion" (Force =Mass x Acceleration).
* Connected movement.
* Obtaining the metaphysical aspects of:
- Oneness and Being in the Zone.
photo from "back in the day" - Perception, Intuition, Timing.
* "Closure" on performance disabling effects of competitive jealousy, intimidation,
bullying, stress, etc.
Suitable for "Do it yourself" advanced Performance and Life Coaching:
* Athletics,
* Visual/Performing arts,
* Personal, Social, and Business empowerment.
By definition: Master Level Coaching is unfamiliar, not easily accessed, and usually combines both the physical and metaphysical aspects of human performance. This type of information is now available via video presentations for a personal, life coaching experience that integrates all aspects of life for a complete and successful approach. Past mentoring experience has proven the requirement for a complete holistic approach because the results are holistic in nature. The metaphysical aspects, and also the personal trauma areas of life are mandatory for a complete, unified coaching experience.
(Personal mentoring has indicated the need for "re-framing" the "adversities" of life as one of the most important life navigation tools.)
Unique to the video packages are:
* extremely detailed nuances in master level bio-dynamics, including "propulsion" (F=MA).
* developing and applying oneness, being in the zone.
* empowerment over intimidation, bullying, competitive jealousy.
* master level physical performance,
* life navigation,
* social interaction,
* business interplay,
* creativity.
Maximum performance is achieved quickly and efficiently by simultaneously developing all aspects of performance. Often, the missing link for overcoming a technical plateau.
Unique Simultaneous Performance Development:
* First: Simultaneously develop oxygenated core/motion.
* Second: Increase performance bio-dynamics.
* Third: Access Oneness and "Being in the Zone" Techniques.
* Break Performance Plateau for the technically proficient.
* Open new dimensions of performance and thinking.
These are the actual techniques being used today to take high levels of functioning to even greater levels of performance. When combined with modern technology, this "re-discovery" of techniques is creating a renaissance of new levels of performance in health, athletics, dance, creative, and performing arts. The techniques access the deep fundamentals that have formed the foundation of high echelon human performance throughout the ages.
Developing "Full Body Oxygenation" and an "Oxygenated Core"
These breathing techniques fuel and create high performance. The foundation
for high performance, including Propulsion.
You will learn: * Full body inhale oxygenation.
* Inhale expansion motion.
* Oxygenated body core.
The "full body breathing" technique is a quick way to immediately increase human performance potential. All physical performance is dependent upon the limitations of the individuals oxygenation processes.
The hidden potential of the inhale half of the breath cycle is usually accessed by training into exhaustion, but can be learned. This dynamic training is time saving, and simultaneous movement training.
Operating with the unique dynamics of both aspects of the breath cycle immediately increases total performance potential.
Tension is also reduced. At the highest echelon of functioning, only the tension free body can access the nuances. (Muscle contraction is tension also.)
Metaphysics includes: Being in the Zone, Oneness, Perception, Awareness, Intuition, Timing.
Gifted Arts and Performing Arts: Art is created, transmitted, and received via the metaphysical. Like all other body functions, the creative/artistic dynamics of performance are directly related to the energy of oxygenation.
$100.-- (click here to order or for more info)
These breathing techniques fuel and create high performance. The foundation
for high performance, including Propulsion.
You will learn: * Full body inhale oxygenation.
* Inhale expansion motion.
* Oxygenated body core.
The "full body breathing" technique is a quick way to immediately increase human performance potential. All physical performance is dependent upon the limitations of the individuals oxygenation processes.
The hidden potential of the inhale half of the breath cycle is usually accessed by training into exhaustion, but can be learned. This dynamic training is time saving, and simultaneous movement training.
Operating with the unique dynamics of both aspects of the breath cycle immediately increases total performance potential.
Tension is also reduced. At the highest echelon of functioning, only the tension free body can access the nuances. (Muscle contraction is tension also.)
Metaphysics includes: Being in the Zone, Oneness, Perception, Awareness, Intuition, Timing.
Gifted Arts and Performing Arts: Art is created, transmitted, and received via the metaphysical. Like all other body functions, the creative/artistic dynamics of performance are directly related to the energy of oxygenation.
$100.-- (click here to order or for more info)
Performance Package 1: Detailed Nuances of Upper Echelon Performance. ($699.-)
Access the information being utilized in the current high performance loop.
Access the information being utilized in the current high performance loop.
Performance Package Part 1 is a compilation of 10 videos in an unique approach to high echelon performance. Unique is the Full Body Oxygenation foundation, body core, and bio-dynamics of movement. Also the metaphysical "being in the zone/oneness aspects are taught simultaneously; then intertwined to the detailed, technical, bio-dynamics training. Saves time and effort.
(Biomechanically, the fastest movements are the least stressful on the knees.)
The emphasis is on a complete approach.
You will learn:
1. Increasing Oxygenation. Developing Full Body Oxygenation (Creates expansion movement and propulsion.)
2. Detailed Performance Bio-Dynamics/Metaphysics of Oxygenated Gifted Performance.
* Propulsion.
* Bio-dynamics of linear and rotational movement.
* Increase power/energy/endurance. Explosive power while in motion.
* Greater Speed, Acceleration, Balance, and Endurance.
* Longer stride. Quicker directional changes. Seamless connected motion.
* Tension reduction, Relaxation/flexibility techniques.
3. Unique:
* Oneness, Being in the Zone Training, Creating "Heart."
* Perception, Intuition, Timing Enhancements.
4. Suitable for: * Personal Development, Business Interactions.
* Athletics, Competition.
* Dance and the Performing Arts.
* Creative Arts Expression.
* Daily Living/Wellness/Healing/Body Image
* Breaking a performance plateau for the technically proficient.
(click here to order or for more info)
(Biomechanically, the fastest movements are the least stressful on the knees.)
The emphasis is on a complete approach.
You will learn:
1. Increasing Oxygenation. Developing Full Body Oxygenation (Creates expansion movement and propulsion.)
2. Detailed Performance Bio-Dynamics/Metaphysics of Oxygenated Gifted Performance.
* Propulsion.
* Bio-dynamics of linear and rotational movement.
* Increase power/energy/endurance. Explosive power while in motion.
* Greater Speed, Acceleration, Balance, and Endurance.
* Longer stride. Quicker directional changes. Seamless connected motion.
* Tension reduction, Relaxation/flexibility techniques.
3. Unique:
* Oneness, Being in the Zone Training, Creating "Heart."
* Perception, Intuition, Timing Enhancements.
4. Suitable for: * Personal Development, Business Interactions.
* Athletics, Competition.
* Dance and the Performing Arts.
* Creative Arts Expression.
* Daily Living/Wellness/Healing/Body Image
* Breaking a performance plateau for the technically proficient.
(click here to order or for more info)
Gifted Music Part 1- Releasing the Heart: Instrumental Music is a compilation of 9 videos for increasing performance. Complete theory is applicable to all areas of music.
Taught first is "being in the zone/oneness;" becoming the note, not just playing it. ($699.--)
Information is the hidden nuances that are not common knowledge. Applicable to all musical instruments, includes two live teaching sessions with piano and guitar:
* Increasing a creative process by increasing specific, personal, creative energy flow.
* Increasing clarity and projection; perceptions, intuitions.
* Pre-techniques and follow through techniques.
* Connective/capturing/oneness techniques:
* To the note.
* To the instrument.
* To other musicians, accompaniment. To the audience.
(Sorry but audio is poor. Information is all there. Can't redo an initial/first encounter.)
(click here to order or for more info)
Taught first is "being in the zone/oneness;" becoming the note, not just playing it. ($699.--)
Information is the hidden nuances that are not common knowledge. Applicable to all musical instruments, includes two live teaching sessions with piano and guitar:
* Increasing a creative process by increasing specific, personal, creative energy flow.
* Increasing clarity and projection; perceptions, intuitions.
* Pre-techniques and follow through techniques.
* Connective/capturing/oneness techniques:
* To the note.
* To the instrument.
* To other musicians, accompaniment. To the audience.
(Sorry but audio is poor. Information is all there. Can't redo an initial/first encounter.)
(click here to order or for more info)
Archery Package Part 1: Information for a Fast, Scientific Way to Advanced Archery. ($399.--)
The Bio-dynamics and Metaphysics of Archery combine for one of the most demanding of pursuits.
It is all about being in the zone/oneness and the associated energy pathways.
This complete, 9 video package includes oneness training, getting into the zone, tension free draw/release, and the subtleties of human bio-dynamics that can be applied to archery and the various styles. Information for self analysis is given. How to do it, and why in a presentation of the hidden details of advanced performance.
(click here to order or for more info)
The Bio-dynamics and Metaphysics of Archery combine for one of the most demanding of pursuits.
It is all about being in the zone/oneness and the associated energy pathways.
This complete, 9 video package includes oneness training, getting into the zone, tension free draw/release, and the subtleties of human bio-dynamics that can be applied to archery and the various styles. Information for self analysis is given. How to do it, and why in a presentation of the hidden details of advanced performance.
(click here to order or for more info)
Wellness, Healing, Pain Relief Package
Healing and Wellness Package: Also Pre-Hab and Respiratory Therapy ($100.--)
Immediate relief is possible via increasing the body's natural healing processes via increased oxygenation and internal body tissue tissue expansion.
These are personal applications that do not require equipment or medication.
The process is a full body oxygenating process created by a full body inhale and exhale breath cycle.
To increase oxygenation, tissue and joints are expanded via the expansion of the inhale breath.
When no other remedy is available, this natural process may bring relief and healing.
(click here to order or for more info)
Immediate relief is possible via increasing the body's natural healing processes via increased oxygenation and internal body tissue tissue expansion.
These are personal applications that do not require equipment or medication.
The process is a full body oxygenating process created by a full body inhale and exhale breath cycle.
To increase oxygenation, tissue and joints are expanded via the expansion of the inhale breath.
When no other remedy is available, this natural process may bring relief and healing.
(click here to order or for more info)
Accessing Your Hand's Creativity: 25 minute video ($50.-)
This video instructs how to access the natural pathways of creativity to place creative energy into a performance, or artistic objects created.
Of note is that stiff joints may be relieved, and flexibility gained.
Essential in breaking a performance plateau.
(This information is a part of the Gifted Music Package.)
(click here to order or for more info.)
This video instructs how to access the natural pathways of creativity to place creative energy into a performance, or artistic objects created.
Of note is that stiff joints may be relieved, and flexibility gained.
Essential in breaking a performance plateau.
(This information is a part of the Gifted Music Package.)
(click here to order or for more info.)
Increasing Stride, Speed, Endurance: Propulsion Introduction: 27 minute video ($50.--)
6 inches/ step for 1,000 steps = 500 feet.
.01 second/ step for 1,000 steps = 10 seconds.
This video focuses on knee action and upweighted movement.
Fundamentals of "propulsion."
Also includes Full Body Oxygenation to increase tissue energy and toxin removal.
Essential to breaking a performance plateau.
(This information is part of Performance Package 1.)
(click here to order or for more info.)
6 inches/ step for 1,000 steps = 500 feet.
.01 second/ step for 1,000 steps = 10 seconds.
This video focuses on knee action and upweighted movement.
Fundamentals of "propulsion."
Also includes Full Body Oxygenation to increase tissue energy and toxin removal.
Essential to breaking a performance plateau.
(This information is part of Performance Package 1.)
(click here to order or for more info.)
Increasing Foot Speed and Balance: 20 minutes ($50.--)
All performance goes through the ankles and lower back.
Increasing their flexibility, strength, and energy flow improves all aspects of performance.
Ankle and foot flexibility increases the contact time between the foot and the surface. More power and balance.
Essential in creating a no tension vertical axis for connected motion.
Breaks a performance plateau.
Simultaneous stretching of non-contracted tissue and joints while increasing oxygenation greatly improves flexibility, strength, and reduces soreness/inflammation.
(This information is part of Performance Package 1.)
(click here to order or for more info.)
All performance goes through the ankles and lower back.
Increasing their flexibility, strength, and energy flow improves all aspects of performance.
Ankle and foot flexibility increases the contact time between the foot and the surface. More power and balance.
Essential in creating a no tension vertical axis for connected motion.
Breaks a performance plateau.
Simultaneous stretching of non-contracted tissue and joints while increasing oxygenation greatly improves flexibility, strength, and reduces soreness/inflammation.
(This information is part of Performance Package 1.)
(click here to order or for more info.)