Hand grasp dynamics affect the ability to create rotational acceleration; extremely fine motor control; and transfer creative energy into objects touched. Two different sets of muscles are accessed by two sets of finger groups. Not only different energy dynamics but also separate vectors of energy flow are created.
The hands grasp everything from babies to tools to musical instruments to paint brushes, to a steering wheel or handle bar. How the objects are grasped by the fingers and hands determines the type of bio-dynamics engaged, and the energy created. Energy transmission via the hands produces the creative energy transmission of an artist into an object. Vectors created as the hand grasp is tightened can accelerate objects or the hand. Everything from strength vectors, sensitivity, and love are communicated via the dynamics of the hand grasp. The hand grasp technique is essential in the ability of an artist to place dynamic energy into their artwork or musical instrument. Changing the pivot point of an object grasped affects tool and sports equipment, as well as a surgical scalpel or carving knife. The lively action of an object grasped is determined by the grasping technique.
The upper photo shows a hand closure with the little fingers closing first. The palm will fold around an object grasped. The pivot point of an object grasped is below the little fingers. This creates a flexible, lively grip with great range of motion. It also is the delicate touch that communicates love and peace and bonding.
The lower photo shows a hand closure with the index and middle fingers closing first. The center of the palm is creating a circular pocket of space which does not snugly contact an object being held. This is a powerful, rigid grip. The pivot point of an object grasped is at the index finger/web of thumb area.