Energized edges and transitions are responsible for much of the impact of nuances.
Detailed techniques currently being taught to raise the performance level of gifted artists. Exactly what and how to acquire the skills desired.
This 25 minute video is part of a complete Gifted Music Performance Package that features techniques and information which is raising the performance level of elite artists and musicians. Many had reached a technical plateau and have now opened new dimensions of creativity and performance.
In this video learn how to place "life" energy of a rose petal, into a "rose petal." Or paint a bending branch under tension to spring back up. Also used to place specific creative energy into musical performance, or dance motion.
The energy flow dynamics presented are applicable to any creative process involving the hands:
Music, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Arts and Crafts, etc.
In this video learn how to place "life" energy of a rose petal, into a "rose petal." Or paint a bending branch under tension to spring back up. Also used to place specific creative energy into musical performance, or dance motion.
The energy flow dynamics presented are applicable to any creative process involving the hands:
Music, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Arts and Crafts, etc.
Access Your Hand's Creativity (25 minute video $50.-): (for safety, all credit cards via Pay Pal.)
(Also currently available is the Gifted Music Performance Package $1950.- (click here for info.)
Other "$50.- Specials:"
"Footwork, Foot Speed, and Balance."