A renaissance of healing and wellness is occurring as developments/re-discoveries of techniques are occurring.
A "Re-Discovery" of Techniques is creating a renaissance of new levels of performance in athletics, dance, creative, and performing arts. Literally every area of human endeavor is affected. This includes the dynamics of oneness/relationship in equestrian activities/etc.; and the meditational and healing aspects of life.
This "Free Will" Training is total body conditioning that creates "Being in the Zone"/Oneness.
In addition to physical healing, self esteem, anti bullying, and confidence linking "power/control/beauty" resulted in the classes becoming known as the "attention deficit" class at one school district.
Teaching/personal mentoring has also confirmed the requirement for holistic approaches.
Personal awards include Outstanding Alumni from Pennsylvania State University; and Who's Who in America.
(more in "about us")
(personal mentoring/life coaching at beinggifted.com)
(specific commentary and info at beinggifted.com facebook)
This "Free Will" Training is total body conditioning that creates "Being in the Zone"/Oneness.
In addition to physical healing, self esteem, anti bullying, and confidence linking "power/control/beauty" resulted in the classes becoming known as the "attention deficit" class at one school district.
Teaching/personal mentoring has also confirmed the requirement for holistic approaches.
Personal awards include Outstanding Alumni from Pennsylvania State University; and Who's Who in America.
(more in "about us")
(personal mentoring/life coaching at beinggifted.com)
(specific commentary and info at beinggifted.com facebook)
Secret Science: Wellness, Healing, and Pain Relief
Self Applied Therapy includes increasing natural immunity.
No touch, no medications, complete privacy.
The techniques presented could be the only answer to many severe conditions.
And bring wellness where there was none; or no other treatment available.
* Wellness/Healing/ Pain Relief video. ($240.-) This natural breathing process is very powerful and increases the natural circulation properties and the body's own methods to heal itself. The "secret science" of wellness, healing, and pain relief is the science of the inhale which oxygenates, removes toxins, has powerful expansion abilities, and carries other life enhancing energies. What the breathing techniques do is enhance the natural bio-dynamics of the inhale.
Bio-dynamic effects include:
* Increased blood circulation,
* Increased removal of toxins, including pain,
* Expansion of tissue,
* Expansion of joints,
* Straightening of the spinal column,
* Increased natural immunity,
* Relaxation,
* Addition of energy,
* Pain Relief,
* Thinning effects.
* When nothing else is working, or available, gives the body extra energy to help heal itself.
In this video is a one hour therapy session directed at severe pain due to herniated discs; and produced pain free results that lasted for hours. There are situations where a respite from the pain is worth a few minutes of breathing therapy. Flexibility returned and the person was able to stand up straight.
The expansive nature of the inhale stretched apart joints so toxins could be released and muscles could relax. Increased circulation and relaxation can be observed as the session progresses. Severe pain relief provides a period of rest and comfort. On occasion the healing effects are permanent, other times it is a series of treatments. And in this instance it was a respite from pain.
For individual therapy follow along with the video several times. It deals with the depth of healing as a multiple application process. There are layers to this technique, including the stretching regimen.
The flow of the inhale can be moved through various areas of injury to"wash and rinse." Wash on the inhale and allow the body to expand. Rinse on the exhale and allow the toxins to leave the body (often you can taste them.)
The expansive and increased circulation attributes of the inhale are also effective in reproductive and sexual applications.
The effortless deep breathing does not require muscle use so is therapeutic for the bedridden or respiratory ill.
A big yawn is all that is needed for an inhale with abdominal breathing.
With "void" breathing" an inhale can be produced with little muscle use via visualization.
Respiratory therapy, CF huffing is also an application where a huge breath is needed. Extend the breathing cycle's expansion or contraction until the body completely expands and contracts.
When no other options are available, some relief or healing may be possible because:
* The body tissues and joints relax.
* Increased circulation enhances natural healing and toxin removal.
* Additional energy is created to assist in healing.
* Spinal cord and abdomen straighten for improved functions.
Additional video clips on breath created physical movements and stretching are included because the daily normal movements then become therapeutic. There is a thinning, fluidity effect as the body relaxes and naturally uprights itself. An overall state of wellness is obtained. (The problem is getting stretching into the daily regimen. One vertical stretch as you get out of bed and walk to the bathroom will have noticeable effects. An accomplished music teacher has her students do a stretch before they play their instruments with noticeable results.)
Of note is that six or eight total expansion inhale breath cycles when in bed before sleeping promotes a rapid and restful sleep.
An intensive floor of the abdomen, void breathing, stretching and movement technique is presented after the healing session.
What is beneficial with this technique is that the extreme, internal expansion of the muscles and joints while in a relaxed state (breath expansion is used not muscle contraction) can adjust/stretch the bones/joints to their normal position. This "dynamic stretch" is done from a prone position lying on a floor. (Again, time is in a short supply for most of us. Doing a few morning stretches while standing by the microwave or coffee maker is going puts the stretching into the daily routine. It only takes a few "stretches" to obtain results. Pajamas can be appropriate attire.)
Lower back, sacroiliac, hip/leg pain, and abdominal problems can benefit from the adjustment and increased circulation. All reproductive processes also benefit from increased circulation and "expansion."
The "PreHab Technique Video" is a free video clip of an extremely condensed version of this video. It is also part of the package.
Bio-dynamic effects include:
* Increased blood circulation,
* Increased removal of toxins, including pain,
* Expansion of tissue,
* Expansion of joints,
* Straightening of the spinal column,
* Increased natural immunity,
* Relaxation,
* Addition of energy,
* Pain Relief,
* Thinning effects.
* When nothing else is working, or available, gives the body extra energy to help heal itself.
In this video is a one hour therapy session directed at severe pain due to herniated discs; and produced pain free results that lasted for hours. There are situations where a respite from the pain is worth a few minutes of breathing therapy. Flexibility returned and the person was able to stand up straight.
The expansive nature of the inhale stretched apart joints so toxins could be released and muscles could relax. Increased circulation and relaxation can be observed as the session progresses. Severe pain relief provides a period of rest and comfort. On occasion the healing effects are permanent, other times it is a series of treatments. And in this instance it was a respite from pain.
For individual therapy follow along with the video several times. It deals with the depth of healing as a multiple application process. There are layers to this technique, including the stretching regimen.
The flow of the inhale can be moved through various areas of injury to"wash and rinse." Wash on the inhale and allow the body to expand. Rinse on the exhale and allow the toxins to leave the body (often you can taste them.)
The expansive and increased circulation attributes of the inhale are also effective in reproductive and sexual applications.
The effortless deep breathing does not require muscle use so is therapeutic for the bedridden or respiratory ill.
A big yawn is all that is needed for an inhale with abdominal breathing.
With "void" breathing" an inhale can be produced with little muscle use via visualization.
Respiratory therapy, CF huffing is also an application where a huge breath is needed. Extend the breathing cycle's expansion or contraction until the body completely expands and contracts.
When no other options are available, some relief or healing may be possible because:
* The body tissues and joints relax.
* Increased circulation enhances natural healing and toxin removal.
* Additional energy is created to assist in healing.
* Spinal cord and abdomen straighten for improved functions.
Additional video clips on breath created physical movements and stretching are included because the daily normal movements then become therapeutic. There is a thinning, fluidity effect as the body relaxes and naturally uprights itself. An overall state of wellness is obtained. (The problem is getting stretching into the daily regimen. One vertical stretch as you get out of bed and walk to the bathroom will have noticeable effects. An accomplished music teacher has her students do a stretch before they play their instruments with noticeable results.)
Of note is that six or eight total expansion inhale breath cycles when in bed before sleeping promotes a rapid and restful sleep.
An intensive floor of the abdomen, void breathing, stretching and movement technique is presented after the healing session.
What is beneficial with this technique is that the extreme, internal expansion of the muscles and joints while in a relaxed state (breath expansion is used not muscle contraction) can adjust/stretch the bones/joints to their normal position. This "dynamic stretch" is done from a prone position lying on a floor. (Again, time is in a short supply for most of us. Doing a few morning stretches while standing by the microwave or coffee maker is going puts the stretching into the daily routine. It only takes a few "stretches" to obtain results. Pajamas can be appropriate attire.)
Lower back, sacroiliac, hip/leg pain, and abdominal problems can benefit from the adjustment and increased circulation. All reproductive processes also benefit from increased circulation and "expansion."
The "PreHab Technique Video" is a free video clip of an extremely condensed version of this video. It is also part of the package.
* "PRE-HAB TECHNIQUES for Wellness and Instant "First Aid" free video presents natural, self-application techniques which assist the body's own natural abilities to heal itself, or maintain a sense of wellness.
Improving the body's circulation better oxygenates and removes toxins. A simple addition to a normal breathing cycle increases both the inhale and the exhale. The increased expansion of the body tissue on the inhale also allows the blood circulation to flow easier. Anti-inflammation properties of the blood circulation create immediate therapy.
Another effect of the expansion is the straightening of the spinal column. Movement is easier with a more vertical spinal column. Bones support the body weight, the abdominal cavity is less compressed, organs function under less pressure.
The overall effect is a relaxing of the body. Tension is reduced. Body systems work more efficiently.
Of note is that a "visualized wash and rinse" action can be attached to the rhythm of the inhale and exhale. Trauma, injury, and pain relief can be relieved by directing the increased circulation through the afflicted areas.
Because the circulation system is a natural process, immediate relief can be sought, and often obtained.
Since no medications or equipment is required, and it is a self-administered process; the techniques can be applied anywhere. The natural healing process will be assisted; and is therapy until customary treatment is available.
The techniques can also be used for overall wellness, healing, relaxation, pain relief, and a thinning effect of the body. When nothing else is working, or available, giving these natural techniques a dedicated trial may be the only option.
A more intensive use of these techniques is "Wellness,Healing, and Pain Relief" video.
Improving the body's circulation better oxygenates and removes toxins. A simple addition to a normal breathing cycle increases both the inhale and the exhale. The increased expansion of the body tissue on the inhale also allows the blood circulation to flow easier. Anti-inflammation properties of the blood circulation create immediate therapy.
Another effect of the expansion is the straightening of the spinal column. Movement is easier with a more vertical spinal column. Bones support the body weight, the abdominal cavity is less compressed, organs function under less pressure.
The overall effect is a relaxing of the body. Tension is reduced. Body systems work more efficiently.
Of note is that a "visualized wash and rinse" action can be attached to the rhythm of the inhale and exhale. Trauma, injury, and pain relief can be relieved by directing the increased circulation through the afflicted areas.
Because the circulation system is a natural process, immediate relief can be sought, and often obtained.
Since no medications or equipment is required, and it is a self-administered process; the techniques can be applied anywhere. The natural healing process will be assisted; and is therapy until customary treatment is available.
The techniques can also be used for overall wellness, healing, relaxation, pain relief, and a thinning effect of the body. When nothing else is working, or available, giving these natural techniques a dedicated trial may be the only option.
A more intensive use of these techniques is "Wellness,Healing, and Pain Relief" video.
* "Respiratory Therapy video" free video Expiration/Clearing the Lungs/"Coughing It Up"
Practically speaking, this method of being able to clear a lot of mucus out of the lungs creates the opportunity to go to work or social engagements without having to cough all the time. Also enabling the oxygenation process to progress without the mucus obstruction enhances natural healing.
A deep abdominal breathing technique aids in the expulsion of fluids from the lungs. A "full body" expulsion lessens the demands for chest muscles and also gives greater volume to the exhale of the breath. Of significance is the use of an instantaneous Inhale technique which reduces the fear of aphixziation as the lung fluids gather.
The result is: lungs cleared,
less body strain,
relaxation of the body,
straightening of the spinal column,
body tissue expansion aiding blood circulation,
and more effective expiration/cough up of fluids.
Dry coughs which can be exhausting, or not acceptable in a work/social/sleep environment are turned into one effective fluid extraction; which is repeated until sufficient fluids have been expelled.
Clearing the lungs before work or other engagements reduces the coughing during the activity; making one's presence much more congenial.
The abdominal breathing technique is the abdominal floor technique which is used in many other applications on the website, videos, and books. This technique is a simple technique that uses the "sigh" and a "yawn" to "breathe" from the floor of the abdominal cavity.
* "Hand Tension Relief and Conditioning- free video Conditioning the hands, fingers, and elbows can increase flexibility, sensitivity, energy transfer, and reduce pain. This natural process allows more oxygen to enter the joints and body tissue to enhance the natural state of wellness.
Practically speaking, this method of being able to clear a lot of mucus out of the lungs creates the opportunity to go to work or social engagements without having to cough all the time. Also enabling the oxygenation process to progress without the mucus obstruction enhances natural healing.
A deep abdominal breathing technique aids in the expulsion of fluids from the lungs. A "full body" expulsion lessens the demands for chest muscles and also gives greater volume to the exhale of the breath. Of significance is the use of an instantaneous Inhale technique which reduces the fear of aphixziation as the lung fluids gather.
The result is: lungs cleared,
less body strain,
relaxation of the body,
straightening of the spinal column,
body tissue expansion aiding blood circulation,
and more effective expiration/cough up of fluids.
Dry coughs which can be exhausting, or not acceptable in a work/social/sleep environment are turned into one effective fluid extraction; which is repeated until sufficient fluids have been expelled.
Clearing the lungs before work or other engagements reduces the coughing during the activity; making one's presence much more congenial.
The abdominal breathing technique is the abdominal floor technique which is used in many other applications on the website, videos, and books. This technique is a simple technique that uses the "sigh" and a "yawn" to "breathe" from the floor of the abdominal cavity.
* "Hand Tension Relief and Conditioning- free video Conditioning the hands, fingers, and elbows can increase flexibility, sensitivity, energy transfer, and reduce pain. This natural process allows more oxygen to enter the joints and body tissue to enhance the natural state of wellness.
* "Empowerment over Adversity/Intimidation/Bullying" free video video is included in this wellness and pain relief package because there is also emotional pain. This time tested approach is not what is usually desired but it is a method by which closure can be obtained. Revenge, justice, etc. most likely won't occur, so the situation remains a constant presence. Methods by which positive outcomes, even empowerment can occur are also presented. There isn't enough time and energy to continue in hopeless pursuits; so a quick closure is beneficial.
* "Full Body Oxygenation"presents technique and conditioning to fully oxygenate the body. Any function that will benefit from increased oxygenation will be enhanced by this technique. This includes power and healing. All athletic and performance endeavors will benefit immediately from the oxygenation increases. Of note is that the arts also benefit because of the increased energy flow and ultra sensitivity of movement that is produced. The conditioning exercises also increase flexibility and balance. A 12 minute daily "workout" is sufficient to produce noticeable results. No equipment is needed so can be done in front of the television or in the kitchen while the food is cooking.
* "Full Body Oxygenation"presents technique and conditioning to fully oxygenate the body. Any function that will benefit from increased oxygenation will be enhanced by this technique. This includes power and healing. All athletic and performance endeavors will benefit immediately from the oxygenation increases. Of note is that the arts also benefit because of the increased energy flow and ultra sensitivity of movement that is produced. The conditioning exercises also increase flexibility and balance. A 12 minute daily "workout" is sufficient to produce noticeable results. No equipment is needed so can be done in front of the television or in the kitchen while the food is cooking.