Access the complete approach to tension free, "being in the zone," high echelon performance.
This "Free Will Training" conditions the total body to "Be in the Zone"/Oneness.
Learn the nuances of performance that have been used to take even the gifted to higher levels of expertise; and self-analysis. (Secret: Only a tension free body can access the highest levels of performance.)
Dramatically shorten the learning curve to mastery with an unique bio-dynamic and metaphysical holistic approach. (Results are holistic so conditioning must be.)
Leave no avenue of pursuit unknown or unexplored.

A "Re-Discovery" of Techniques is creating a renaissance of new levels of performance in athletics, dance, creative, and performing arts. Literally every area of human endeavor is affected.
A quick look at you tube reveals the sudden, huge, world wide increase in training improvements.
Thirty five years of intensive study, training, and development has led to the formation of the teaching methods that are now available via video presentations. Precise movement, power, and speed are noted attributes of the teaching methods developed.
A comment by an old Master was that he thought these techniques were "lost."
Photo from
"back in the day"
Teaching/personal mentoring has also confirmed the requirement for a complete, holistic approach.
Personal awards include Outstanding Alumni from Pennsylvania State University; and Who's Who in America.
A quick look at you tube reveals the sudden, huge, world wide increase in training improvements.
Thirty five years of intensive study, training, and development has led to the formation of the teaching methods that are now available via video presentations. Precise movement, power, and speed are noted attributes of the teaching methods developed.
A comment by an old Master was that he thought these techniques were "lost."
Photo from
"back in the day"
Teaching/personal mentoring has also confirmed the requirement for a complete, holistic approach.
Personal awards include Outstanding Alumni from Pennsylvania State University; and Who's Who in America.
The Quickest Path to Advanced Archery via Bio-Dynamics and Metaphysics
(We train in the technical, with a pursuit that emphasizes the metaphysical.)
Archery Package Part 1
Secret Science- Bio-Dynamics of Archery and Oneness:
"Lost Archery Techniques" from "Archery Cultures" (youtube video of Zen archers utilizing the techniques click here)
* The growth in archery is evidence of people desiring to return to skills which emphasize individual holistic performance.
* This information will take you years ahead in your training and give insight into what the realm of what today is called "gifted performance."
* The experienced enthusiast in any sport will receive new trains of thought to add to their training repertoire.
* Of note is the off-bow training. Most of the training is developing the archer into a state of oneness performance.
* To learn the bio-dynamics and metaphysics, all the instruction uses household items for training equipment. Holding a bow drawn back for extended learning sessions is not possible.
Basically this is a bio-dynamics/metaphysics training methods and principles video package. The instinctive fundamentals for shooting on the move or at moving targets will be in Part 2.
For a glimpse of some of the techniques watch you tube videos on Zen Archers, or Lars Andersen. Note the lack of visible muscle movement, no tension, relaxed body.
* These principles are applicable to other activities where equipment is grasped.
* Much of this information is innate bio-dynamics that were "lost" when "Industrialization" and "Firearms" came into existence. The ability to perform all day at extreme high levels of physical performance was no longer needed. Although these techniques are still evidenced in the arts, most of the knowledge is now considered as "gifted." Access is usually from cloistered settings so not readily available. Many are re-discovering these techniques. A renaissance is occurring.
Archery Package Part 1- Windows Media Video (click here)
Archery Package Part 1- Computers (click here)
Archery Package Part 1- Hand Held Tablets (click here)
Archery Package Part 1- IPhone/ IPad (click here)
Archery Package Part 1- All phones (click here)
Archery Package Part 1 - $1950.- (For safety, all credit cards via Pay Pal.)
(If you have any problems, ordered wrong file application, etc. contact
"Lost Archery Techniques" from "Archery Cultures" (youtube video of Zen archers utilizing the techniques click here)
* The growth in archery is evidence of people desiring to return to skills which emphasize individual holistic performance.
* This information will take you years ahead in your training and give insight into what the realm of what today is called "gifted performance."
* The experienced enthusiast in any sport will receive new trains of thought to add to their training repertoire.
* Of note is the off-bow training. Most of the training is developing the archer into a state of oneness performance.
* To learn the bio-dynamics and metaphysics, all the instruction uses household items for training equipment. Holding a bow drawn back for extended learning sessions is not possible.
Basically this is a bio-dynamics/metaphysics training methods and principles video package. The instinctive fundamentals for shooting on the move or at moving targets will be in Part 2.
For a glimpse of some of the techniques watch you tube videos on Zen Archers, or Lars Andersen. Note the lack of visible muscle movement, no tension, relaxed body.
* These principles are applicable to other activities where equipment is grasped.
* Much of this information is innate bio-dynamics that were "lost" when "Industrialization" and "Firearms" came into existence. The ability to perform all day at extreme high levels of physical performance was no longer needed. Although these techniques are still evidenced in the arts, most of the knowledge is now considered as "gifted." Access is usually from cloistered settings so not readily available. Many are re-discovering these techniques. A renaissance is occurring.
Archery Package Part 1- Windows Media Video (click here)
Archery Package Part 1- Computers (click here)
Archery Package Part 1- Hand Held Tablets (click here)
Archery Package Part 1- IPhone/ IPad (click here)
Archery Package Part 1- All phones (click here)
Archery Package Part 1 - $1950.- (For safety, all credit cards via Pay Pal.)
(If you have any problems, ordered wrong file application, etc. contact

Archery was selected for the first video on sports and related activity because it is one of the most difficult of activities to pursue. Standing unsupported on two feet, holding the bow at ninety degrees, physically drawing the bow, maintaining a still position under muscular tension, aiming with rudimentary sights or instinctively, hand release techniques, bow string harmonics, a slow moving arrow, and wind. Plus the performance has to be precisely repeatable; duplicating breath rhythms assists in exact repetition.
Archery is an excellent example of the demands of bio-dynamics of gifted performance. There is a direct evaluation of performance because of the use of the target. Precision of movement and control of body dynamics are at high levels. The entire process can utilize the ultra precise physical control obtainable with the metaphysical breathing process. Techniques in harmony with nature don't fail.
Oneness/Zone is part of archery. The person/equipment/ target/environment all participate in this oneness. Oneness with equipment includes an arrow in flight. Oneness with the environment has the severe effects of the wind on the flight of the arrow. There are uses of various sighting/aiming equipment; and also the use of an instinctive aiming process. Targets can be stationary or moving at various distances of engagement.
Physical strength is required. However "breath expansion" is a source of effortless strength.
The two muscle and finger groups affecting the hand grasp produce two distinctive sets of bio-dynamics. The two muscle groups utilize either the upper arm, shoulder, and neck muscles; or the lower arm, chest, and stomach muscles. These muscle groups can be selectively applied to create subtleties in technique.
For instance: the drawing of the bow can begin with one muscle group, blend with the other muscle group to combine strengths, and finish with the muscle group which creates calmness and oneness. All factors which contribute to accurate and repeatable shots.
"Void" breathing is an extension of abdominal breathing which can create a working, physical/metaphysical oneness. It can bring equipment and surroundings into this state of being. Because void breathing is an easy access into metaphysical oneness it is included in this holistic approach to total performance. Perfect for the complex demands of archery. (Most of the advanced archers use some type of breathing technique that is very still/motionless. Youtube is a good method for checking the validity of the concepts presented. Once known, the concepts are easy to recognize.)
Also "void" imagery can create more effortless and smooth motion as aiming techniques become integral to the drawing process/release/follow through. There is no change of energy or direction of flow; just one fluid, uninterrupted process.
These videos feature "off bow" training: .
* Eliminates bow damage from damaging harmonics of "dry firing."
* No muscle fatigue/more repetitions of a technique possible.
* Effects of string torque/twisting can be experienced safely.
* Feedback from various bio-dynamics can be physically experienced.
* Visualization, memory, muscle, metaphysical patterning of the entire process.
* Opposing hands, fingers, household items are the training implements.
* Focus on nuances possible.
* Train at home, or sitting in traffic jam, or during a boring meeting, or watching TV.
Archery Package Part 1 is a 9 video package
* The "Lars Andersen uses "Lost Techniques" video serves as a good introduction to the entire Archery Package because most of the information will be unfamiliar. It explains the "lost" nature of the techniques.
"One/Being in the Zone Development via a Driving Experience: will introduce the experience of oneness and being in the zone, how to create and use these attributes. This video will also illustrate the type of information presented in the package.
Observe all the videos once before "following along" with the videos. Three or four cycles of all the material will bring out nuances that previously would have gone unnoticed. Also returning to the videos for more future improvement will reveal more nuances. The "Archery Fundamentals" video teaches the concepts introduced in the "Introduction" video. The "Archery Application" then applies the concepts into an archery perspective using household items as training tools.
* "Archery Introduction Video": Should be seen first. This will help acquaint with the concepts. This is usually "new" material for most, so a broader understanding will assist in comprehension of the details. The "Archery Fundamentals" video teaches the concepts introduced in the "Introduction" video. The "Archery Application" then applies the concepts into an archery perspective using household items as training tools.
* Void, Oneness, and inhale expansion draw.
* Oneness.
* Energizing hands.
* Why study breath.
* Straight wrist vs. Bent wrist bow hand grasp. (Bent wrist/Void/Oneness/Instinctive will be the focus of Archery Part 2.)
*"Archery Fundamentals Video": Features an "Off Bow" presentation and training methods using common household utensils.
* Two separate, and opposing, hand grasp and finger bio-dynamics are created by two separate muscle groups and energy pathways.
* Establishing "oneness" within oneself, with equipment, target, and environment.
* Oneness and Void target acquisition and "aiming."
* Correct body posture is created by correct bio-dynamics, therefore a result or indication of which bio-dynamics are being used.
* Hand grasp bio-dynamics.
* The two muscle/finger groups.
* Straight line energy and bone structure.
* Energy bio-dynamics create proper form and stance.
* String torque/twisting.
* Bio-dynamics for mechanical and natural releases.
* Trigger actualization bio-dynamics.
* Bow hold bio-dynamics.
* Mixing/Matching of Bio-dynamics.
* "The Archery Application" video applies the concepts to archery applications. Of note is that household items are used as training
* Allows training to occur in front of the video monitor.
* No strength requirements for a long training session drawing the bow or holding it under tension.
* Changes in perspective angles for more closely examining technique.
* Energy bio-dynamics create proper form and stance.
* String torque/twisting.
* Bio-dynamics for mechanical and natural releases.
* Trigger actualization bio-dynamics.
* Bow hold bio-dynamics.
* Mixing/Matching of Bio-dynamics.
* "The Oneness/Being in the Zone video via Driving Experiences" video: has the vehicle give immediate feedback as to the dynamics and metaphysics being used. A bicycle, or even a wheelbarrow will work for feedback. Experiencing this video presentation and working along
with it gives evidence of the theories presented.
* Teaches and gives an experience of being in a state of oneness/zone.
* Teaches and gives an experience of the opposing bio-dynamics and metaphysics of the two muscle groups.
* Introduces visualization techniques.
* "Abdominal to Void Breathing" Video: is an easily acquired type of alternative breathing method that will produce the results of oneness
utilized in advanced archery.
* A specific style of abdominal breathing that culminates in void breathing is presented. Of note is that the various types of breathing create
inhale body expansion by different means. One of the uses of the inhale body expansion is to create expansion generated
body movement for the archery draw. This draw can become effortless because less muscle is required to create movement.
* Void visualization can be the aiming technique, and can include the entire arrow shot process as one continual moment in the void.
* Oneness with the wind and target as well as equipment is enhanced with this void initiated breathing technique.
Archery is an excellent example of the demands of bio-dynamics of gifted performance. There is a direct evaluation of performance because of the use of the target. Precision of movement and control of body dynamics are at high levels. The entire process can utilize the ultra precise physical control obtainable with the metaphysical breathing process. Techniques in harmony with nature don't fail.
Oneness/Zone is part of archery. The person/equipment/ target/environment all participate in this oneness. Oneness with equipment includes an arrow in flight. Oneness with the environment has the severe effects of the wind on the flight of the arrow. There are uses of various sighting/aiming equipment; and also the use of an instinctive aiming process. Targets can be stationary or moving at various distances of engagement.
Physical strength is required. However "breath expansion" is a source of effortless strength.
The two muscle and finger groups affecting the hand grasp produce two distinctive sets of bio-dynamics. The two muscle groups utilize either the upper arm, shoulder, and neck muscles; or the lower arm, chest, and stomach muscles. These muscle groups can be selectively applied to create subtleties in technique.
For instance: the drawing of the bow can begin with one muscle group, blend with the other muscle group to combine strengths, and finish with the muscle group which creates calmness and oneness. All factors which contribute to accurate and repeatable shots.
"Void" breathing is an extension of abdominal breathing which can create a working, physical/metaphysical oneness. It can bring equipment and surroundings into this state of being. Because void breathing is an easy access into metaphysical oneness it is included in this holistic approach to total performance. Perfect for the complex demands of archery. (Most of the advanced archers use some type of breathing technique that is very still/motionless. Youtube is a good method for checking the validity of the concepts presented. Once known, the concepts are easy to recognize.)
Also "void" imagery can create more effortless and smooth motion as aiming techniques become integral to the drawing process/release/follow through. There is no change of energy or direction of flow; just one fluid, uninterrupted process.
These videos feature "off bow" training: .
* Eliminates bow damage from damaging harmonics of "dry firing."
* No muscle fatigue/more repetitions of a technique possible.
* Effects of string torque/twisting can be experienced safely.
* Feedback from various bio-dynamics can be physically experienced.
* Visualization, memory, muscle, metaphysical patterning of the entire process.
* Opposing hands, fingers, household items are the training implements.
* Focus on nuances possible.
* Train at home, or sitting in traffic jam, or during a boring meeting, or watching TV.
Archery Package Part 1 is a 9 video package
* The "Lars Andersen uses "Lost Techniques" video serves as a good introduction to the entire Archery Package because most of the information will be unfamiliar. It explains the "lost" nature of the techniques.
"One/Being in the Zone Development via a Driving Experience: will introduce the experience of oneness and being in the zone, how to create and use these attributes. This video will also illustrate the type of information presented in the package.
Observe all the videos once before "following along" with the videos. Three or four cycles of all the material will bring out nuances that previously would have gone unnoticed. Also returning to the videos for more future improvement will reveal more nuances. The "Archery Fundamentals" video teaches the concepts introduced in the "Introduction" video. The "Archery Application" then applies the concepts into an archery perspective using household items as training tools.
* "Archery Introduction Video": Should be seen first. This will help acquaint with the concepts. This is usually "new" material for most, so a broader understanding will assist in comprehension of the details. The "Archery Fundamentals" video teaches the concepts introduced in the "Introduction" video. The "Archery Application" then applies the concepts into an archery perspective using household items as training tools.
* Void, Oneness, and inhale expansion draw.
* Oneness.
* Energizing hands.
* Why study breath.
* Straight wrist vs. Bent wrist bow hand grasp. (Bent wrist/Void/Oneness/Instinctive will be the focus of Archery Part 2.)
*"Archery Fundamentals Video": Features an "Off Bow" presentation and training methods using common household utensils.
* Two separate, and opposing, hand grasp and finger bio-dynamics are created by two separate muscle groups and energy pathways.
* Establishing "oneness" within oneself, with equipment, target, and environment.
* Oneness and Void target acquisition and "aiming."
* Correct body posture is created by correct bio-dynamics, therefore a result or indication of which bio-dynamics are being used.
* Hand grasp bio-dynamics.
* The two muscle/finger groups.
* Straight line energy and bone structure.
* Energy bio-dynamics create proper form and stance.
* String torque/twisting.
* Bio-dynamics for mechanical and natural releases.
* Trigger actualization bio-dynamics.
* Bow hold bio-dynamics.
* Mixing/Matching of Bio-dynamics.
* "The Archery Application" video applies the concepts to archery applications. Of note is that household items are used as training
* Allows training to occur in front of the video monitor.
* No strength requirements for a long training session drawing the bow or holding it under tension.
* Changes in perspective angles for more closely examining technique.
* Energy bio-dynamics create proper form and stance.
* String torque/twisting.
* Bio-dynamics for mechanical and natural releases.
* Trigger actualization bio-dynamics.
* Bow hold bio-dynamics.
* Mixing/Matching of Bio-dynamics.
* "The Oneness/Being in the Zone video via Driving Experiences" video: has the vehicle give immediate feedback as to the dynamics and metaphysics being used. A bicycle, or even a wheelbarrow will work for feedback. Experiencing this video presentation and working along
with it gives evidence of the theories presented.
* Teaches and gives an experience of being in a state of oneness/zone.
* Teaches and gives an experience of the opposing bio-dynamics and metaphysics of the two muscle groups.
* Introduces visualization techniques.
* "Abdominal to Void Breathing" Video: is an easily acquired type of alternative breathing method that will produce the results of oneness
utilized in advanced archery.
* A specific style of abdominal breathing that culminates in void breathing is presented. Of note is that the various types of breathing create
inhale body expansion by different means. One of the uses of the inhale body expansion is to create expansion generated
body movement for the archery draw. This draw can become effortless because less muscle is required to create movement.
* Void visualization can be the aiming technique, and can include the entire arrow shot process as one continual moment in the void.
* Oneness with the wind and target as well as equipment is enhanced with this void initiated breathing technique.
* "LARS ANDERSEN USES "LOST ARCHERY" and "ARCHERY CULTURE" TECHNIQUES video:" These bio-dynamics and techniques presented are re-discovered techniques.
The "Industrial Revolution" and use of Firearms in Warfare eliminated the need for highly skilled archers and swordsmen who had the endurance to battle all day.
The arts and martial arts of these war cultures utilized the same bio-dynamics and metaphysics of excellence in performance. Although the finesse of techniques are still retained in the gifted performance of the arts; the all day, physical labor demands are no longer commonplace. And where they are, the arts usually aren't actively practiced so many of the physical bio-dynamic performance techniques that were once commonplace have been "lost."
One of the most common practices was the natural use of both inhale and exhale performance techniques. When endurance or extreme speed was no longer required, the use of both muscle groups was no longer in demand, or required. For example most people can no longer perform a 12-16 hour day of extreme physical labor, 7 days a week. Or hit a man sized target at 200 yards like the English archers did.
This video presents some of the uses of maximum bio-dynamics that were commonly achieved in archery cultures of the past. The Samurai were archers as well as swordsmen who used the same fundamentals for simultaneous horsemanship and over a dozen other martial art skills. Artistic endeavors also had to express such a high level of expertise in order to be appreciated. Therefore the arts and martial arts were identical in fundamental principles. The same is not true today because the demands for physical performance are not the same.
Common to these cultures was the universal acknowledgement of the metaphysical powers of the human breathing process. In all of these cultures the term "Spirit" was translated as "Breath" or the "Indescribable Wind."
The "Industrial Revolution" and use of Firearms in Warfare eliminated the need for highly skilled archers and swordsmen who had the endurance to battle all day.
The arts and martial arts of these war cultures utilized the same bio-dynamics and metaphysics of excellence in performance. Although the finesse of techniques are still retained in the gifted performance of the arts; the all day, physical labor demands are no longer commonplace. And where they are, the arts usually aren't actively practiced so many of the physical bio-dynamic performance techniques that were once commonplace have been "lost."
One of the most common practices was the natural use of both inhale and exhale performance techniques. When endurance or extreme speed was no longer required, the use of both muscle groups was no longer in demand, or required. For example most people can no longer perform a 12-16 hour day of extreme physical labor, 7 days a week. Or hit a man sized target at 200 yards like the English archers did.
This video presents some of the uses of maximum bio-dynamics that were commonly achieved in archery cultures of the past. The Samurai were archers as well as swordsmen who used the same fundamentals for simultaneous horsemanship and over a dozen other martial art skills. Artistic endeavors also had to express such a high level of expertise in order to be appreciated. Therefore the arts and martial arts were identical in fundamental principles. The same is not true today because the demands for physical performance are not the same.
Common to these cultures was the universal acknowledgement of the metaphysical powers of the human breathing process. In all of these cultures the term "Spirit" was translated as "Breath" or the "Indescribable Wind."